Friday 15 July 2016

Sad Stuff About My Music Video

Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying my media work at the moment with my music video but with big icons such as Sid Vicious inspiring me it's hard not to get upset at his poor decisions to turn to heroin. This post isn't related to my music video, this is just a post out of respect and sadness.

R.I.P John Simon Ritchie (Sidney Vicious)

May 10th 1957 - February 2nd 1979

Friday 8 July 2016

Potential music video songs and influences 3

Rise – Public Image Limited

After Johnny Rotten left the sex pistols (1978) he formed his own band public image limited (PIL) and made their main song, rise. It still had the same feel of a sex pistols song with johnnies weird looks and stares on stage and in videos which was always a key thing in the two bands. Rise is a very catchy song and can get any audience going. Rise is about the apartheid in Africa and more specifically about nelson mandalas impact on it. Rise is also about the Irish republican armies (IRA) torture techniques on British soldiers in the conflicts in northern Ireland. one line used is "they put a hot wire to my head, because of the things I did and said" this is a clear reference to electric shock torture. a line that links to the apartheid is " I could be wrong I could be right, I could be black I could be white".

Potential music video songs and influences 2

Something Else – Sid Vicious (cover)

Something Else was originally made by Eddie Cochran but covered by the former bassist of the sex pistols, Sid Vicious. He turned it into a punk rock song in 1979 before he passed away from a heroin overdose. Sids version is a lot more fast paced and heavier. The music video has Sid in his room in just his boxer shorts with his spiked hair where he grabs a bottle of beer and a cigarette. Of course I would not be re-enacting that video but I would like to make one as hard-core

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Potential music video songs and influences


This psychedelic song by Manchester band, Oasis, led by brothers Noel and Liam Gallagher. This song is probably their second most famous song along with the sensation Wonderwall.

 Don’t look back in anger talks about forgetting what has happened in the past and concentrating on yourself your future and wellbeing. The lyrics and the whole pace of the song is kind of slow in a sense and the lyrics are easy to remember.