Tuesday 18 October 2016

What Makes A Good Music Video

many things contribute to a good music video. one main thing that contribute to a good music video is the camera shots. the shots are crucial because without any shots how is there going to be a video. a good start would be an extreme close up and then bringing it out to reveal the whole face as they start singing, another idea is to have an establishing shot and then zoom in on the singer as they start singing.

Another thing that makes a good video is a spot on lip sync and wide variety of angles and edits such as fading in and out of the shots and appearing when having to sing on camera which looks quite edgy and can connote so many things such as things like emotion or people leaving someones life or passing away. there are so many great things you can do with fading to make your audience feel a certain way which is what you want.

for a good music video you have to have a good sound narrative which tells a story and lets the viewer/audience understand and get what the music video is trying to connote and tell them or get a certain message across to them. This is all in the narrative of the piece.

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