Friday 4 November 2016

4 Album Covers : Motorhead Snakebite

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Snake Bite Love: Motorhead

Despite Snakebite Love being one of my least favoured albums by my favourite band, Motorhead, I cannot fault the amazing artwork put into the album cover. It is fantastic.

Normally the common Motorhead symbol is Snaggletooth (the big with the spiked helmet and the horns around its nose) but this time it was adapted into a reptilian like figure what looks like lives in a volcano or somewhere with a lot of fire and molten lava.

It heavily appealed to me by the cool array of colours and the two smaller cobras coming off of the bottom of it. What also appealed to me is the simplicity of it with the font used as it is the common font used on every album from Ace Of Spades to Bomber to Overkill to Orgasmatron, the font has stayed the same and nobody has gotten bored of it evidently as it has stayed on every cover.

The name of the album heavily connotes to the artwork on it who has been fabulously illustrated by Joe Petagno who has contributed and made the Snaggletooth pig head what it is today and how well he has adapted it onto Snake Bite Love and the whole serpent idea instead of a rough looking fighting pig.

1 comment:

  1. What year did this come out Dan? Is it relative to the imagery used at that time? If so tell me more, the colour scheme you describe as 'cool' why? I see it as warm, vibrant, aggressive and quite angry - the depths of hell come to mind!
    Descriptions are very important as this enables us to read/ see what the codes and conventions are and extend on connotations within the musical genre.
    See if you can delve a little deeper and express yourself a little more with further research please.
    You are on the right track just further exploration of key media terms needed.
    Mrs McD-H
