My favourite band of all time is Motorhead lead by Lemmy Kilmister. Of course the first song I heard by Motorhead was the first song everyone hears by Motorhead which is the Ace Of Spades which is undeniably one of the most mind blowing songs in heavy metal that will get anyone's head jolting up and down. I had heard Motorhead during weekend I went to HMV to purchase my first album ever "Motorhead : Ace Of Spades".
As well as having the Ace Of Spades on it, it had other songs I got into after Lemmy hit his first bass note such as Fast And Loose, Jail bait and Love Me Like A Reptile.
I think my taste has changed for the better as I am so far into my music now I don't even look back and it has always made me happy and in a good when I listen to the likes of Motorhead, Slayer, The Ramones, The Clash etc.
I believe the person who influenced my taste was my best friend Tom because he was into Motorhead and he w "you should give these a listen yno they are class your stuff is too slow haha" so I gave them a listen and now they are my favourite band also the lead singer of Motorhead was a big influence because he just had that attitude of not caring and drinking and playing class music.
I have realized that this taste in music is with me for life now and I don't think its going to change anytime soon because I like what I like and thats all there is and ever will be to it and no one can change my opinion on something I feel passionate about.

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